企业文化 | ||||||
1.百年明锐: | Centurial Mingrui | |||||
乾坤明开启 | turn universe into light | |||||
岁月锐新光 | Time Rapid Dawn | |||||
昌盛百业起 | Flourishing Industry Rising | |||||
基于年益长 | the Time of Accumulaton | |||||
2.创新 | Innovation | |||||
建设一流的半导体照明研发企业 | ||||||
Building the Top R&D Enterprise of LED | ||||||
积极推动照明应用事业的发展与创新 | ||||||
Proactive Promote the development and Innovation for LED Application | ||||||
3.创业之路 | The Road Venture | |||||
确立了发展目标 | Establish the Development Target | |||||
完善了追梦理想 | Improve the Dream | |||||
果断执着向前进 | To forward with Decisive and Persistence | |||||
将所有困苦与磨难化作前进的动力 | ||||||
Change all pain and suffring into move ahead | ||||||
4.感恩篇 为了明锐的明天更美好,感恩社会 | ||||||
Gratefulness For Appreciating Society to the bright future of Mingrui | ||||||
感恩是一种美德,发自内心的感恩是真诚的 | ||||||
the gratefulness is a virtue and is sincere from the real heart | ||||||
感谢高新区这片创业投资的沃土,产业优惠政策的显明 | ||||||
To appreciate the Venture Capital of High-Tech Zone,Obviously Industrial Preferential Policy | ||||||
感谢贵人为我们的发展和成长出谋划策 | ||||||
To appreciate the people who can give advice and suggestions | ||||||
感谢客户对我们的信任与支持 | ||||||
To appreciate the trust and support from our customer | ||||||
感谢同行对我们的激励和鞭策 | ||||||
To appreciate the inspiration and encourage from our competitor | ||||||
感谢所有在我们经营历程中有所帮助的朋友们 | ||||||
To appreciate all friends who can help us on our way | ||||||
5.企业核心价值观 | The Enterprise Core Value | |||||
以人为本 | People-Oriented | |||||
团队协作 | Teamwork | |||||
竭诚奉献 | Sincere Dedication | |||||
慷慨回报 | Generouse Reward | |||||
6.企业精神 | The Enterprise Spirit | |||||
诚实守信 | Honesty and Keep faith | |||||
锐意进取 | Forge Ahead | |||||
科技创新 | Technical Innovation | |||||
高效执行 | Effective Execute | |||||
7.科技兴业 | Technology Thrive Enterprise | |||||
崇尚科学 | Promoting Science | |||||
产业创新 | Industry Innovation | |||||
以科技领先 | Advanced Technology | |||||
制造品质优良的产品 | Manufacturing good quality product | |||||
奉献于社会 | Dedication to the Society | |||||
以科学的方法经营管理企业 | ||||||
Scientific Operating Management | ||||||
8.至信至尊 | Credit and Spremacy | |||||
以儒家思想谋发展 | To development with Confucianism | |||||
广交天下挚友 | Make the world friend | |||||
以商会友 | Make friends with business | |||||
尊敬客户 | Respect Customer | |||||
以人为本 | People-Oriented | |||||
为员工谋福利 | Provide Welfare to the staff | |||||
诚信经营 | Honest Operation | |||||
合法纳税 | Legal Pay Taxes | |||||
奉献社会 | Dedication to the Society | |||||
9.企业宗旨 | Enterprise Tenet | |||||
专注才能更专业 | More Concentration to be More Professional |